12 Blog Posts Per Year
Websites 503 offers 2 variations of our once per month SEO posting package. Depending on your level of interest and skill at blogging, you can choose the plan and variation that is right for you:
Client Provides Posts
If you already have experience blogging or just enjoy writing about your area of expertise, then this package is probably the right choice for you. Let’s us take your post (preferably in a Word doc or Google doc) and mold it into a Search Engine Optimized article. We will get every little ounce of SEO juice out of the content you provide and include proper semantic markup as well as a proper title and description tag for the content. A minimum of 300 Words and image is necessary for each post.
Jointly Developed Content
If you are too busy doing what you do best for your business or organization but still want fresh content on the website, then let us do the heavy lifting of writing the blog posts for you. We would just need 30 minutes of your time (per post) for a scheduled appointment where we could take notes on an appropriate blog post topic. You provide the stream of consciousness about the topic and we provide the written expertise the piece together a well crafted and well-optimized blog post.
*No matter which option you choose, all clients will also be enrolled in Google Analytics and will receive a monthly report which searches for 12 keywords phrases and returns SERP for those phrases are returned on a quarterly basis.