Websites 503 Logo


Client Name: Whale Shark Research

Utila, Honduras is a destination for diving, tracking, and preserving the native Whale Shark population and I was fortunate to have the opportunity to assist in the design and development of this website. I was a subcontractor on this project so the content was sent to me in Word documents. I had a small budget to purchase the graphics to create the customized header and footer coral reefs that really bring the project to life. The website is mobile friendly and provides educational materials in the form of PDFs, videos, pictures, and researcher biographies.

Approximate Time Investment: ~20 Hours

Screenshot of Completed Homepage

About the Portfolio…

Each website in this portfolio has its own story. Reading the details of what work I performed on each project and the approximate time for the work should give you an idea of project cost.

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The portfolio should provide potential clients with a rough idea of cost and the type of work I do. If you are ready to ask some questions or schedule a free 30 minute consultation, please use the contact page to get in touch.

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